
I am certainly the world of the paid surveys is interesting for you. It is certain that completing is taken a time all the forms necessary to begin to make money filling surveys. The experience can be less painful if the time is taken to learn ways simple to cause that their efforts render better […]

Swedish Social Model

The historical Swedish Social-Democratic Party, that governed the country from 1932 to 2006, only interrupted by a period of nine years, was the one that forged the mentioned social model which it maintained discharges rates tax, but rigorously assured a right redistribution destined to the sectors health, use, education and in the last years environment. […]


Primerica, says: This is a blog about my experiences at Primerica and my opinions about this great fantastic company. Primerica does what is right for their clients 100% of the time. I’m an agent and I feel positive and good about what I do for families. Payoneer understands that this is vital information. Disclaimer: […]

Matsushita Management

Konosuke Matsushita considers on the other hand, that the management always must develop with a policy of " direction abierta" , to that it describes of the following way: " The open direction means confidence in the employees, easy communication within the company, moral discharge of the workers and, mainly, enterprise solidarity. Indira Dordelly on […]

Indifferent Leaders

But the calmness will not last much. They will place shackles to us oxidized in the hands and the feet. They will force to us to walk with metallic spheres striking our heels and ankles. There will be a deposit of high walls. The doors will be of riveted metal. Inside scent will float dulzn […]

Family Leadership

The LEADERSHIP IN the PRESENT FAMILY If the families are the base of the present society, if we like medullary part of the societies, have allowed that the values that instilled to us our ancestors are disappearing more and more, to consequence of it, that are every time are higher the indices of divorces in […]