Car Service

The company "Car Service" from the first day of work pays special attention to the quality of their services in an effort to provide residents and guests of Moscow and Moscow region a quick and comfortable movement in any direction. Call Taxi in "Rent-service" can be done for any reason at any time of day […]


Red color in China – the color of celebration and luck, in India – Life and enthusiasm. One of the most dangerous illusions associated with the red color you overtake cars. There is a frame rate of the original color and the overtaking vehicle. If the vehicles dazzling red color is on his own band […]

New Winter Tire

That was over the summer, fall outside dank, is about to come winter. Already, there is ice at night and on summer tires is not safe to ride. It's time to think about buying winter tires. But how do they choose? Studded or non-studded? And a lot of rubber producers in the market, but all […]

Servicing Costs

Plant "AvtoVAZ" last year celebrated its fortieth anniversary. Today the company produces dozens of models and modifications of almost 100 vehicles, among them are the most advanced models, like most new vases – LADA PRIORA, which has gone Pipeline recently – in April 2007. Plant AvtoVAZ has assembly plants in Russia and abroad, and developed […]

Are Cars a Luxury?

The car today is today used for cars, because on average, every third inhabitant of the city has one car. So it's hard to imagine that there were times when wealthy aristocrats, could afford this luxury, to underline his status is not ordinary, because the practical use of it was not any. Who wants to […]