Car Service

The company "Car Service" from the first day of work pays special attention to the quality of their services in an effort to provide residents and guests of Moscow and Moscow region a quick and comfortable movement in any direction. Call Taxi in "Rent-service" can be done for any reason at any time of day a week. The company's management always seeks to establish more transparent relationship with clients, including corporate, so Online always reflect the current tariffs. Recent changes pricing policy of the company were primarily motivated by a desire to provide passengers with the most attractive terms for a ride in a taxi in Moscow and area. If you need a taxi, the site in a matter of seconds you can get detailed information on fixed costs, and to learn how you can reduce the costs of travel on certain routes, For example, when ordering a taxi to the airport. With the help of "Rental Service" comfortable journey in distant countries can begin from the doorstep, and business trip directly from the office door.

The company's motto "faster, cheap, reliable "applies not only to visit but also to order a taxi (Moscow and Moscow region), including a taxi to the airport. Just call the dispatcher at (495) 979-13-03, and to the required deadline will be machine filed at this address. Guarantee instant delivery vehicle is that you can use to communicate with the driver manager of several reliable channels. Including talks on the radio, cell phones and Alerts by SMS-messages. To develop an optimal route is used today GPS-navigators, avoiding traffic jams and to within a few minutes to predict arrival time at the end waypoint. In addition, the company paid to the importance of recruiting and special training. Even experienced managers and taxi drivers with many years are required to attend targeted training not only on improving skills of communication with passengers, but also learn to resolve any issues that may arise on the road.

Simultaneously with the establishment of more favorable prices for customers on a trip to the company's "Rental Service" was significantly increased the car park. New Cars Ford Focus, Chevrolet Epica, Hyundai Elantra is ideal for travel taxi in Moscow and Moscow region, as usual for passengers and corporate clients. Comfortable and representative taxi brands Ford, Chevrolet and Hyundai are distinguished by reliability, high safety and excellent performance characteristics, which makes any trip for a passenger in a taxi walk in the park, regardless of the weather and time of day. All taxis equipped with safety systems undergo regular inspection and are in a perfect cleanliness, both inside and outside. It is worth noting that all of the new company's management decisions have been taken from their own experience with the wishes of passengers a taxi, as well as careful consideration of major policy taxis in Moscow.