Are Cars a Luxury?

The car today is today used for cars, because on average, every third inhabitant of the city has one car. So it's hard to imagine that there were times when wealthy aristocrats, could afford this luxury, to underline his status is not ordinary, because the practical use of it was not any. Who wants to travel at a speed of 5 km / h. And just as fast moving motorized device. It was only later, with the invention of the internal combustion engine, the car has can be used for practical purposes, ie ride it. And even then, for a long time he did not keep up the diligence, and where already there talk about Russian troyke.Poiski new fuel for a long time did not stop searching for new fuel for an internal combustion engine.

In 1872 American tried to use Brighton as such kerosene. But kerosene bad evaporated, and he moved on to the more volatile goryuchemu.Benzinovy engine operable gasoline engine only appeared ten years later. Its inventors were German engineer Julius with Daimler his friend Wilhelm Maybach. Problem faced by Daimler and Maybach were not easy: they decided to create an engine that does not require a gas generator would be quite powerful, very compact and light that would it can be used for the crew. Daimler expected to get more power by increasing the speed of the shaft, but it was necessary to ensure the required frequency of ignition of the mixture. In 1883 he was created first petrol engine with the ignition of a hot hollow tube, open the cylinder. The first model of a gasoline engine designed for permanent installation industry. The first internal combustion engines were single-cylinder, and in order to increase engine power, typically increased the volume of the cylinder.

Then it began to seek an increase in the number of cylinders. At the end of XIX century there were two-cylinder engines, from the early XX four-century began to spread. Even 10 years later, an American entrepreneur Henry Ford founded his company, and using the experience gained, with the approach of a businessman, organized the conveyor assembly of the vehicle, making it accessible to all. Material from the site Rosiysky Automotive, History.