New Discussion Forum

The new HACO stands academy discussion forum recently available. Racines, 16.03.2010 recently the new discussion forum by HACO is academy online. Interested in further education can be exchanged immediately opinions and experiences on the topics of education, personality development, leadership and success in the profession. Managing Director Franz Josef Gschnitzer: We thus reacted to a request of the visitors of our training portal. These can, to discuss various career topics now.” Active participation in the Forum is possible, the user with a user name and an email address to register. After registration, they receive an email with a confirmation link and can then directly login and post. However no registration is required to read the posts of other Forum members.

We want to offer the visitors by shady, to interactively participate in. We are confident that this additional offer used by many visitors and many interesting discussions will take place”as Simon Gschnitzer, Division Director of HACO academy. The academy stand on Internet platform by HACO next to the new forum a news section with articles and event notes available, as well as the HACO academy shop with over 7,000 eBooks on the subject of Economics, management and career. From autumn 2010 HACO is academy also organize seminars and lectures with renowned experts. The Forum is available at forum available.

Press contact: HACO d. Gschnitzer Franz Josef KG / s.a.s.. contact person: Simon Gschnitzer Angerweg via anger 43 / Gasteig Casateia I 39040 Ratschings Racines (BZ) Tel: + 39 / 0472 / 779165 fax: + 39 / 0472 / 779064 E-Mail: Internet: about HACO academy: HACO academy is a training portal for personal development, leadership and success in the profession and is operated by the company HACO d. Gschnitzer Franz Josef KG with headquarters in Ratschings-South Tyrol (Italy). On the website, visitors will find information and offers for their education and career. HACO academy academy shops is operator of the HACO () with over 7,000 eBooks to economics and management. HACO academy seminars and lectures organized with renowned experts from autumn 2010.