The Most

This ensures high efficiency and reduces the likelihood of errors. One of the most interesting resources to reduce costs and to increase profitability is to eradicate process errors in the entire value chain. We focus in this approach to our customers. What other measures do you realize this promise? H. Hiendl: A crucial element is the further expansion of our technical support expertise. Increasingly, our customers rely on our know-how regarding the optimal manufacturability in product development and design.

This reduces the development time and for example ensures a low friction starting of the serial production. Gains today not in the consumer market, but internally in the company, it is often said. The perfect starting curve is a powerful document to do this. The perfect manufacturability affects yield-promoting over the entire life of a product. H. Hiendl: Actually we know that our customers increasingly already are looking for an intensive consultation in designing products. At this early stage, performance and cost can a product still basically be optimized. For this reason our customers let to us already in the article development support.

3D models, which we can create with our powerful equipment itself and prototypes make comprehensible the design then also for the customers. Are just the instructions on where to expect problems and the suggestions on how you can deal with them, are highly appreciated. Many customers also like to build on our knowledge of the material and get some advice in this area. The individual care extends to the development of product-specific materials for each customer. Continuous investments are essential. H. Hiendl: we do that. For example, in the article and tool construction. We have program specifically for the article development and tooling acquired a powerful CAD and trained our employees. Thus we can go even better to customer requests regarding the design of the article and also their change requests Hiendl: We remove some of the complexities our customers, which weigh on their profitability.