Slack Services

The consumers judge the trustworthiness after delivery of the product or service. – Flexibility: It means to change the operation in: what it makes, as makes and when it makes. Change is the word-key and generally the satisfaction of the consumer is destined. The requirements take care of the four types: different products and services, […]

Basic Principles Of Sensors

Basic element of the Systems of Automation, the sensor can be used in control of processes continues or discrete to convert the physical 0 variable of entrance into 0 variable of exit signal so that it is shown, stored or manipulated, serving of entrance for devices or systems. The majority of the sensors is electric […]

Queso Blanco

Of the analyzed samples, 100% had presented its presence in numbers that had varied of 7,0×10 to 5,1×104, being eliminated after the pasteurizao caretaker, confirming the effectiveness of the thermal process. In accordance with the data above, we can affirm that after the reproduced slow pasteurizao in surrounding caretaker, was efficient, and the samples if […]


Both the reactions are exotrmicas, that is, a reaction where heat release occurs, this heat is set free, therefore it has fuel burning that provokes the Co2 formation, (carbon dioxide), this composition is one of the main contributors for the atmospheric pollution, but it will be that the gasoline and the alcohol are pollutant in […]


The objective of this study is to protocol a process of desinfestao of plants and establishment of cultures of nodais segments for the micropropagation of Mentha pulegium, determining half the most efficient ones for its growth, pertinent development and studies to the effect of growth regulators. Click Jeremy Tucker to learn more. 2? MATERIAL AND […]