Investment Advisory Board

The spirit of research for mobile solutions in the health care sector is booming around the world. Berlin, October 1, 2013. The same applies to the inventiveness, which produces continuously new services in health care. The United States provide a good example. “President Obama has introduced the mandatory health insurance in March 2010 and therefore the project of ObamCare” launched. This health care reform will be implemented by 2014 for all working Americans. Key point of the new law: any professionals in the United States must make sick sure many will do that for the first time in their lives. According to a recent study published by the PewResearchCenter in September 2013, pushing further 44 million Americans on the health insurance market.

The company offers are here a lucrative way to to take part in this boom. offers the many non insured a platform to learn about potential deals and recently an appropriate for matching Insurance to be able to complete. The serial entrepreneur Morten Sondergaard has already recognized this additional Division for themselves and increases its participation in the young start up. After all, he could sell a subsidiary company with a revenue of about $ 40 million in 2011 after only three years duration. “The opportunities are now huge and lucrative opportunities”, Sondergaard said. After has already established itself as an information broker in the market I believe, providing good conditions for potential customers in the field of direct sales at the insurance.” For the investors of the Super Web find very good prospects – are especially since there are already institutional investors and a new quick profit realization is possible.

As so often, the extraordinary serial entrepreneur Morten Sondergaard with shows his flair for the business of tomorrow. In time, he has invested in this current trend. Managed using its global network of experts him at the time an insider access. This benefits the Super Web Fund, whose first target investment is this successful start-ups. Pending the approval of the Investment Advisory Board and the management. With the success of the company the Super Web Fund offers its investors continues to have a persuasive argument: online healthcare is the wave of the future. And right now is the right time to take part in this success.