Federal Law

These activities can be implemented as a form of physical containment of shareholders and their representatives, and in the form of a formal legal pretext to deprive shareholders of opportunities to attend the meeting. For example, law enforcement agencies in order to verify reports of crime requires shareholder and its representatives to appear for questioning. Also, the techniques of failure to notify shareholders about the upcoming corporate event, holding a general meeting of shareholders at the address specified in the notice, but in another room. 2. Initiating the audit company 1) inspections of public authorities Unfortunately, none of the corporate conflict is not without involvement in it of the state power.

Upon admission to the competent public authority of a complaint, even totally unfounded, the public authority is obliged to carry out appropriate checks. Thus, according to claim 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law "On Order of consideration of citizens of the Russian Federation "from 02.05.2006g. 59-FZ of treatment received by the public authority, local authority or officer in accordance with their competence. In the implementation of measures to grinmeylu shareholders often have the right to defend their rights in an administrative procedure – to complain to state authorities. An indicative list of public authorities, which is likely to appeal shareholder, as follows: 1. The Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS). This federal agency monitors compliance with legal requirements by the issuers of the Russian Federation on securities papers, standards and requirements approved by the federal executive body for the securities market.