
Continued coexistence and the dynamics of everyday life can lead to a high degree of wear in the couple, especially if between the two conflicts and disputes of greater take place in assiduous way or less intensity, either on really transcendent issues, either on side issues or minor. In this type of scenario just reaching a point in which the spouses may not go ahead. Far left behind their promises of eternal love, diluted in good measure by the obligations and stresses of their married life. It will then when they arise as possible options for both separation and divorce. The fact that the couple could have children could do that, at first, both spouses try to avoid to maximize both options, increasing its frustration by a marriage without a future that believe that they can not escape. With all this, we could say that in prior to a marriage breakdown phases would take place a true conflict, whose degree of importance depends on the wear and tear that the dynamics of the couple has suffered. It would be (possible to distinguish different types: a) matrimonial disputes of high level, which are those in which the spouses cannot be solved by themselves the numerous conflicts that have raised them, maintaining disparate and, in some cases, diametrically opposite positions on many issues. In these cases the only way out for resolving their situation would be recourse to judicial, in such a way that a judge or court that establishes in accordance with law all precise resolutions in relation to the breakdown of the couple: distribution of property, custody, common housing scheme, possible pension in favour of children or compensatory nature, etc.

It is, without a doubt, the least desirable scenario, because it supposes a legal dispute in many cases harsh and merciless that spouses could considerably be straggling, both physical and emotional and financially. (b) mid-level matrimonial conflicts, in which those who although spouses cannot find their own solutions to their disputes, with the intervention of an alien part (e.g. a mediator or family lawyer) might more or less peaceful resolution of their disputes. In such cases, given that the intensity of their emotional wounds will be lower, in a period of between four and twelve months (depending on the case), there will be normally resolved everything. (c) conflict marriage of low intensity, in which the members of the couple are able to essentially solve all conflicts that could arise in relation to its rupture, only requiring the assistance of a professional in order to solve certain fringes and, above all, for the drafting of a Convention regulating that will prevent both end up stress in disputes before the judge. Thus, here the differences are minor, and there is increased communication and commitment by both, which are unarguably benefited their common children, minimizing this way the adverse effects that such rupture could have on them.