Connecting To People

How to connect with people. Jonny Martinez Connecting with people requires effort, so we need communication skills, desire to change people to help them, and a deep understanding of our purpose or personal mission, to know exactly where to take people. Do not underestimate people: We must learn to value the people if we run them and connect with them. Some leaders are driven by both vision neglecting their followers, it's not long before he lost his connection with them. Mentality to change things: We need a mindset change things, we did this only if we believe in ourselves and we are willing to give to others. we believe we can change things, we believe others can change things, we believe that your message can change things, we believe that together we can change things.

All individuals have the capacity to change things, we must believe and act. Find common features: To connect with others, we should look at first instance issues common, where we agree with the others, the communication process is much easier if we find common things that help us overcome obstacles. these commonalities can be many, hobbies, studies, interests. people feel more comfortable with someone who shares some things with them. Establish contact with others: A good leader never expect people to initiate contact, it is more a primer, go to the place where the people and know them well. Recognize and respect differences with the others: We must understand that we are all different, have different views, to recognize and respect these difrencias opened a beat of empathy towards others. An excellent study of the personalities and their interaction is the Enneagram personalities.

Seek to understand before being understood: This is a very important key in the development of empathy, if we try to understand others, we will be in the ability to manage our communication address those needs of our supporters. Communicate with your heart: Once we have met people well and we encontardo apectos interess and coumnes, we must communicate what we want to do centranos in the heart, being genuine and sincere, when we speak from the heart of our vital energy, magnetizing people. Checkpoints of inlfluencia: First we must evaluate our current connection, how strong is our relationship with people, how powerful are the bonds we have with them then try to connect to a much deeper level, to invest more time with people to whom we want to influence. Finally, once connected, to communicate our hopes and dreams, let's look at our common future and invite them to continue on the trip and so obtain our goals and them.