Chief Executive Officer

Confidence promoted the value of Stuttgart/Dusseldorf, October 25, 2010 – it is the model par excellence: Steve Jobs, heart and soul of the Apple group, considered to be ideal of a creative leader. A survey on the Stuttgart-based knowledge Forum has revealed that creativity is the most important leadership characteristic at all. About a third of the nearly 470 managers surveyed spoke out for this purpose. Nevertheless, no significant German top-manager among those it certifies the highest degree of creativity found himself. Representatives of show business and entertainment, such as Stefan Raab are considered creative German therefore rather or Heidi Klum. The participants of this year’s international Chief Executive Officer study 2010 IBM confirmed the importance of creative leadership.

The over 1500 respondents said they were doing that creativity and integrity right at the top of the necessary leadership qualities in a company are. Personnel and management experts also time and again the importance of the mutual trust, without effective leadership is hardly possible. Is what the people is important – it thrives in an atmosphere of trust. This can be from the individual perspective of many things”, writes management consultant Reinhard k. Sprenger in the anthology lane change.

Thinking economics”. Just think so Sprenger, to the network economy, which is based on technology, but can be built only on relationships. Or the management of virtual teams. If people feel that it cares about them and the management benevolent confronts them, the resistance of reorganization is low. In an atmosphere of trust also the friction losses reduced by permanent arrangements and agreements, as well as the partly prohibitively high costs for control and monitoring.” However anyone who trust one another and pass on control options, make themselves vulnerable. Whether owner or hired top managers: only if the employer or the supervisor for its employees as a person interested in, can be it to establish an emotional bond to them. As a result grow loyalty to the company. And loyal employees do more and don’t sign up with the idea to emigrate to the competition,”confirmed staff expert Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. “Therefore have always added value to do with confidence, because trust to the and identification with the company is reflected in the willingness”, so the conviction Nadolski. The resulting quality of cooperation here speak for themselves. Once again this sprinkler: the economics of trust describes a mechanism that binds people more effectively, as it could be any contractual arrangement: the enormous commitment effect which arises from self-conscious voluntariness and the extensive absence of explicit contracts. What you let go, looking for the binding. And what it holds, flees.” His plea is not surprisingly even revolutionary: blind faith ‘and blind distrust’ trust moves between the former terms. In between the correct mixing ratio is context bound.