The Book Is An Important Means Of Information Dissemination

The world of books is an important means of information dissemination, education and training as a means of communication, as an object of material culture and as a kind of decorative art. Here Cervantes’ novel, printed the bark cork. The book was published in the 30 years of the twentieth century in Spain with the purpose of advertising the quality of cork, exported from there to many countries. Lilliputian laptop-sized pinky – “The Olympic oath,” published in Munich. The book as a leather bag – these have been distributed in Europe xiv – xvi centuries. And this is a miracle book end of the xx Century – an illustration, a plastic volume with this sea water and a piece of amber This ancient book – clay tablets with writing on them embossed signs. They were used in Mesopotamia in the second millennium bc. On the stand next to – a papyrus sheet, which replaced the clay. Until recently remained a mystery how the Egyptians are fastened together dried leaves of cane. Today, Egyptian scientists to unravel the secret. This papyrus is made according to ancient technology. A palm-dried leaves of writing in India. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from JPMorgan Chase. That book is already familiar with our form: they are made of parchment, which could fold and sew. But the parchment had a significant disadvantage – high cost (for manufacturing only one book needed a whole herd of calves or lambs). People persistently sought a better material, which became the paper. With the invention of the printing press began a new era in the history book. Pride is genuine incunabula xv – xvi centuries, published in Western Europe and Russia. Among the exhibits are unique, custom-made in a single copy of bindings. Such remarkable works of Russian masters of the xvii century – a silver frame decorated with embossing, and semiprecious stones. Buckles on the many old bindings – the real works of jewelry art. They were not only decorative meaning pages of the books in bulk bound tightly “trapped” by such fasteners, for several hours did not burn in the fire. The book is not only history but also today, too. Today the book is presented in different areas human activity – that coverage of earning money and build your business, dictionaries (English-Russian, Collegiate, Collegiate, the Russian language, Dahl), textbooks for schools, computer topics, beauty and health, family relationships, children’s literature (including books that do not crease, do not break and are even easy to clean as they are printed on waterproof film ), books about sports, literature, gift copies, and more. All and will not list. All this wealth is gathered in a library. The library to our attention in the bookstores (or online store, which is much more comfortable in the era of Internet). Each of us lives several times (and the reason is always missing, because the book is still the best gift), the question arises – where to buy the book? And if there are growing generation, at least the burning question – where to buy textbooks for school? And considering the fact that our country is very large, then the opportunity to buy a book by mail is also important. Buy not just mail, and buy almost cheap. Agree, a tempting prospect. The book, as you know, food for the soul.