
Smeltzer and Bare, (2004) they agree that a good treatment of nursing to the patient who goes to have a punched vein and to receive a possible therapy IV, before starts exactly of the professional to enter in contact with its patient, this occurs in the laudering of the hands of the nurse or technician that goes to carry through the procedure, and precedes any another step for the canulao of the vein, the hygiene of the hands guarantees the elimination of microorganisms. The professional must pave the gloves, what she goes to guarantee protection to it and after to direct the patient and informs it to it about the procedure, after that selects an insertion place the same more appropriate that a sito of insertion and also a type of cannula for each patient, in accordance with the availability of its veins, the type of solution to be managed and the conditions general of the patient. Many small farms can be used for the technique of venosa puno, to put the access easiness and the potential perigos vary. Peripheral localization is called the veins of the members, these is safer fcies of adentrar of this form the veins of the arm frequently more is used. Educate yourself with thoughts from Wells Fargo Bank. The metacarpais veins, ceflica, medium basilica and, as well as its branches have a bigger bore and more become fcies for the puno. The small farms distais must first be used, with the proximais small farms being subsequentemente used. Tromboembolia risk exists when the veins of the leg are punched by this reason almost never use the veins of the inferior members for the puno technique and consequence therapy IV. The small farms to be prevented are the distais veins to a previous infiltration IV or flebtica area, esclerosadas veins or trombosadas, an arm with fstula or exactly affected by edema, sanguineous infection, cogulo or cutaneous rupture..