So Paulo Analysis

The object of the historian is not the past, but as the past can answer the questions that in are placed in the gift (BRUGUIERE). is questions of the gift that surround all the analysis of the medieval fears carried through by Georges Duby in the book Year 1000, year 2000: in the track of our fears (Official UNESP/Imprensa Publishing company of the State of So Paulo, translation of Eugnio Michel Da Silva and Maria Regina Lucena Borges-Osrio, 1999, 141 pages). Historian, born in 1919, DUBY specialized itself in the Average Age, was part of 3. Generation of ' ' Annales' ' , that it was concentrated in the history of the mentalities, cultural history and the historical anthropology. One of the great thinkers of New History, its workmanship is considered repleta of humanismo and passion, being partisan of the method ' ' micheletiano' ' that ' ' fundia lucidity and paixo' ' . Based in sources of different times, DUBY in them presents a general vision of the medieval society, demystifying the idea of terror for the end of the world, but presenting other terrors of the medieval man, as the hunger, the illness, the violence, the invader, the hell. Part of a book series with great historians on specific subjects? Le Goff, speaks on the cities, Michelle Perrot, on the women? , the workmanship searchs to analyze the similarities mainly and the differences between the medieval societies (year 1000, however the period of analysis if extends until century XIII, in some cases) and the current societies (year 2000).

The chosen bias of analysis is of the fear that the millenium change would have brought for that society. Saying in them of the proper DUBY: ' ' we still live marked for everything what our ancestral very distant ones had made and thought. ' ' Structuralized in interview form, the book, a workmanship richly illustrated with figures of diverse phases of the Average Age, and other current ones, creating a parallelism between the images.