Rio De Janeiro

The theories of the Citizenship become related all the problems that say it respect to the relations between the citizens and all a nation and enter the proper citizens between itself, marking its democratic complexities, practical challenges and in the societies contemporaries. Which this democracy if relates with certain utopia where nor all have its right as citizen and usufruct its rights and duties with a citizen of this same society. FINAL CONSIDERAES The quarrels on resume possess extreme relevance for the educational thought, bringing essential reflections for the evolution of this context. To think the curricular dynamics is something obligator for the exercise of if constructing one Education capable to fulfill with the objectives that are very traced for it, until why is in the resume that such objectives are explicit not only, but also goals, knowledge and practical capable to make possible this reach. Michael O’Brien brings even more insight to the discussion. It is important that this construto perfectly is sharpened with the scene where will be lived deeply, respecting cultural, social, economic aspects, as well as interests and wills of that public. That is, Resume has necessarily to see with a perfect contextualizao with the way where it happens, focando ideal and ends in accord with this. Through this process, the resume has that to all watch over for a common purpose and the any educational process or of formation, that are the exercise of the full citizenship of Educating. What if it wants to say with this is that the curricular dynamics essentially must act as tool to reach I long for it maximum of the Education, that is the real emancipation of to be, the capacity to make possible to this truily to consist as a citizen endowed with well structuralized critical conscience and, based in knowledge that an efficient quality and school it made possible to construct and that as such, of concrete and verdica form is capable to enjoy of its rights fulfilling with its duties and paper stops with the society.