Peruvian Business Chamber Meeting

AEMME supports processes of internationalization of products and/or services to micro-enterprises on 31 March 2011 to 18,00, Spanish time, 11: 00 time of Peru, the first Virtual meeting on internationalization between Spain and Peru in an informative and free conference organized by AEMME (Multisectorial Spanish Association of micro-enterprises). On this occasion the existing business opportunities between the two countries were evaluated and the different possibilities and existing mechanisms were to establish processes of internationalization of products and/or services between Spain and Peru. In AEMME – Association Spanish multi-sector micro, we bet on internationalization. We know that you can have very positive consequences for the company, if it is known to develop in an organized manner. Our international vision, we launch a cycle of free informative sessions so that the employer can reflect.

We want to be the Strategic Partner of our partners, since we have a network of strategic partners and their contacts, with the intention of starting an active prospecting for business centered on people and the ability to establish relationships of trust, said Victor Delgado, President of AEMME. In this first virtual meeting covered all the set objectives, being the first of other meetings already requested own attendees over the course of this session. Rommy Montalvan, as Adviser of internationalization of AEMME moderated the interventions of the numerous and lively participants from both sides of the Atlantic and presented the Iberolab as program support project. From Peru, and as organizing part of the meeting participated Henry Garcia, President of CAPEN, the Peruvian Business Chamber representing small business, corporations and associations Peruvian and foreign. On behalf of the public administration of Peru, they could count on the collaboration of Fernando Barraza Dorador, specialist in management Publica.con company GobConsult. Among Peruvian entrepreneurs are they were, angela Gamarra company San Roque, Jose Antonio Santander de Wiznit, Gisella mooring of Gamarra Group and Andres Miguel Ponce by presenting a plan of entrepreneurs of the telecommunications sector, among others.