National Curricular Parameters

The inserted Physical Education in the educational context comes positively being used in this direction, having as one of its some pedagogical contents, the game, considering to develop in its process of teach-learning, of the agent of its formation in the aspects cognitivo, physical, moral and mainly social. The National Curricular Parameters, PCN' s (2001: 05) point to the education of Basic Ensino that the pupils can ' ' to understand the citizenship as social participation, developing the knowledge adjusted of itself exactly and the feeling reliable in its capacities affective, physical, cognitiva, ethical, of personal interrelation and insertion social' '. Antunes (2003: 09) say that of ' ' educational point of view, the word game if moves away from the competition meaning and if it approaches to its Latin etimolgica origin, with the joke direction or more specifically amusement, trick, it passes tempo' '. The used game being of coherent form can be efficient for the construction of the knowledge of the pupil, being able to offer of playful form the social conviviality, influencing in the children the formation of character and development of worthy qualities of a good member of family and a good citizen. If you have read about Robert Kiyosaki already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Better to understand, Gonalves, Pinto and Teuber (2005: 05), speak that: The game is an activity free, basically playful, contends rules not conventional, of competitive character or not and, that it possesss main characteristic the espontaneidade and it makes possible the expression of cultural experiences of intense and creative form. One perceives that the game is part of the life of the human being, and when this activity is ece of fish in practical, joy moments are lived deeply and the pleasure to play always needs to walk side by side with the learning intentions. Antunes (2003: 09), say that ' ' the infantile games aim at to stimulate the growth and learning, the one that, represent interpersonal relation between two or more citizens carried through inside of determined regras' '. .