Lumber Quality

Second. Normal lumber quality can not be cheap, regardless of the crisis and the time of the year. This is due to production costs, which depend on the cost of raw materials, workers' wages, costs by email. energy. Profit masters in the total price of the board rarely exceeds 10%. And no entrepreneur will cut and sell at a loss, ask him to dismiss workers unpaid leave and freeze frame. Therefore, if you suggest that it is very cheap, then most likely you will buy a marriage, and if you're new to the forestry business, it pops up only when you start to sell their goods.

Believe me, your buyers know very well what they want purchase. It happens that the normal board is cheap, but it is only if raw materials were originally stole. In this case, there is nothing to hope for a regular supply, and may have problems with law enforcement. Third. Do not rely on what you first deliver the goods and you then pay for it. Now almost all the wood-processing enterprises, both large and small, have their regular customers with whom worked for more than a year, plus nearly everything that fell to unscrupulous buyers who are taking timber, and then, using various tricks, he was not paid. Of course, and manufacturers have beginners who just come in this business, and they can take the risk and ship the lumber on the condition of "payment after acceptance, but it will be a one-time delivery. At the same time, keep in mind that you get lumber from the beginner, it is natural and quality is not at odds.

Clearly, then, that you , you do not pay him, but you did not earn, but problems. Fourth. Go get ready for a very tangible spending is likely in cash and no papers. Many sawmills should tax, electricians, etc., and their bank accounts are blocked, so they only work for cash., and they do not have , and to get you something napilit, asking payment in advance. This, of course, your case, accept it or not, but know that they take an advance payment is not a good life, and not from a desire to divorce you, but just have no free money to buy a round timber, which you and the same cuts. Now, when has a new forestry code, it became very poorly with roundwood. If before the auction can be purchased plot at very reasonable prices, and then develop it and do not depend on the working capital that is now canceled. Kruglyak have to buy expensive and paying for He should immediately. Fifth. Be prepared to disrupt delivery schedules, and most likely you'll have to leave their lumber and some time in a strange city. This is also a very tangible costs, because the hotel meals, etc. is a very tangible money. This is especially true of timber quality. After all, to get 1 cubic meter board grade 0, must napilit, and then reorder 4 – 5 cu. Conventional cut timber. Sawmills simply not able to do it quickly, plus technical lining, which leads to the disruption of delivery dates. So, summarizing. When you first decide to engage in forestry business, you think well. While seemingly simplicity, it is a very complicated business. Not for nothing, so far in this business there are no monopolies. Many have tried to bend the forest industry for themselves, but because of the problems listed above, they did not.