International Monetary Fund

He must appear before this court next the 18 of July, and I hope that therefore he does usted" , he emphasized judge to him Obus to Strauss-Kahn, to whom saw itself smile to his exit of the court the exdirector manager " he is free to travel by the country where quiera" , Brafman said to the press, while it assured that the decision " it is the first step so that my client is exonerated &quot completely; of all the accusations. " There are tests of ataque" At the end of the view, the lawyer of the accusation, Kenneth Thompson, indicated that " there are medical tests that they demonstrate that Dominique Strauss-Kahn attacked the victim and did dao&quot to him;. He added that the allegation presented/displayed by dnsores of the exdirigente of the International Monetary Fund of which they had a sexual relation allowed " it is a lie. That is unique the new thing that dnsa is presentado". Asked for the discovery that dnsa would have realised on " mentiras" in which his clienta has been able to incur when it requested political asylum in the United States, Thompson indicated that " the victim has decided by itself to say the truth exceeds how she arrived at this pas". The politician and French economist, who been has jailed six weeks and for a month she is forced to take an electronic bracelet that watches its movements, besides being guarded by armed men, lives in a luxurious residence of the south of Manhattan by which she pays 50,000 dollars to the month of rent. Strauss-Kahn was the past stopped 14 of May in the international airport of John F. Kennedy, when he traveled towards Paris, after to be accused by an employee of the luxurious New York hotel in which he lodged of sexual assault and attempt of violation. Source of the news: The exdirector of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn, frees of the house arrest, but it follows imputed