
Most of the time, not to say always, when someone, be a friend, a family member tells us a problem or ill, we tend to give them advice, tips that sometimes seem orders. Tips that surely this person don’t want you to listen to, tips that are perhaps inadequate, because it is very easy to give them when one is not who feel, because it is very easy to advise let someone when you don’t have feelings for her, it is very easy to say that you leave that job that overwhelms you when you do not depend on him. We do not help wanting to follow us. Surely we do unconsciously, because we don’t know what we can do.Accompany, we listen. It is sometimes only a malaise, in which the person affected only wants to be accompanied, be heard. If it’s something more will tell us and asked for concrete help. It is good to have experiences that although they are not the same case if similar feelings has. If that person wants to deal with the problem, if you want solutions that we as You will know, and only utinizaremos the Council when we perceive that the person want them to hear, when you ask them, and so if we will do it, if we can do it, with much tact.But above all make you feel the person, that we’re there, without pretending that we are therapists, but simply friends.