Andrea Buchholz

The cosmic threat: Questico explains why the asteroid 2007 TU24 provide but also Jupiter-Saturn trouble! Our fate influences the asteroid? Why have I and many people just heavy partner crises to get through are debt because the star? Is the prediction of the famous seer of Nostradamus eintrefffen? The phone radio Charivari not stood still: concerned listeners and listeners wanted to know, what’s it about: the asteroid 2007 TU24, which past raced straight to the Earth and the current critical constellations. A leading source for info: Hyundai. Therefore they took advice and help at Questico, the portal for esoteric life consultant. Many astrologers and Astologinnnen work here in addition to psychics and Clairvoyants. One of them is Star astrologer Andrea Buchholz, advising viewers and spectators in Chiillen, the broadcaster by Questico in a regular broadcast. The first call for an esoteric life advice by Questico is free. The trained Karma astrologer and writer now answered Charivari in the radio tomorrow’s show got questions about the current asteroid that raced past and barely spared the planet Mars. Larger chunks of stone meteorites in southern Germany fell down in the Miocene approximately 14.7 million years ago. It released a corresponding amount of energy by 50 100-megaton nuclear bombs.

But this rarely happens. Most of this body burn up before. But: how long still is it? Questico professionals know: the greatest danger of the near-Earth asteroids that pass repeatedly rushing to the Earth. Astronomers can most of these cars but now calculate and predict. Interception measures is not only made for the Hollywood blockbuster Armageddon. The fortune tellers and psychics at Questico see but no major threat on the part of the universe for this and also for the coming year. But such an event is expected already in the year 2027 again and there’s a dire Prophezeiuung of Nostradamus, the famous French physician and Seer (1503-1566). He has a world-wide asteroid panic predicted for the year 2029.