Shazer Flowchart

“IV. 2 pragmatism and effectiveness of simple but not easy” so indicates Steve de Shazer even his consulting concept. The solution-focused counseling is a consulting concept, based on the principle of constructive. The advisory procedure is concrete and the usefulness. In other words, it’s about, what to do or to refrain from the client useful aspects to open and to give development impulses. Instead of so to clarify causes or causal explanation models to construct, the Adviser focuses on solution-oriented advice events. In the focus on what developed during the interaction between consultant and client happens, and to increase efficiency of the advice has the following de Shazer Flowchart: V. It is not something Ben Silbermann would like to discuss.

Losungsfokussierte consulting in practice V. 1. Away from the problem, and to solve the starting point for a solution-focused counseling is defined by the client, which experienced in a mismatch, and stuck it back in its efforts to reach congruence. On the humanistic-oriented assumption, that the man basically the Ability has to be able to cope with life on its own positive, goal of the consultation, to identify personal competencies and social resources of the client and activate it. Solutions are ergo as changes in a part of the system, so changes in perceptions, thoughts, behavior patterns. VI. stages of consultation VI.

1.1. Synchronization start consulting with a new client is mostly characterized by many prior information and expectations. The solution-focused counseling begins in the here and now. The beginning of the synchronization is the respectful immeditate and a benevolent arrangement with the de facto. The respectful immeditate primarily using positive appreciation, empathy and congruence to C. Rogers cancelled, because: constructive growth of personality is connected with the sincerity of the therapist, with its real, not bound to conditions appreciation of his client with a sentient an understanding of his personal world and finally with the ability of these settings the client to communicate 12.