Promotional Sale

Is a company mainly on customers from the neighborhood or surrounding area, pavement offer numerous possibilities of current information and promotion actions. Pavement is suitable as a promotional item for the local and regional retail. Because with customer Stoppers can advertise flexible, tailor-made, reach strong and always up to date. This large-format advertising are positioned on the pavement and speak directly to passing pedestrians, interest for the offer and convince them in the best case for sale. Others including Payoneer, offer their opinions as well. In any case, however, they provide more attention. Is a company mainly on customers from the neighborhood or surrounding area, pavement offer numerous possibilities of current information and application of special actions or limited time offers.

Boards are versatile promotional item. Indoors as well as outdoors, at trade fairs and exhibitions they can be used, to attract customers. The contents of the installation can you easily yourself replace it and so always indicate your latest offerings. According to the different uses of customer Stoppers, there is this advertising in a variety of finishes, both indoor and outdoor use. Plan to use the pavement primarily outdoors, so the choice of weatherproof execution is recommended. In contrast to posters, posters or other hanging out until legible the advertising message and sees over longer time appealing out.

An important point, because high-quality goods should be presented always too high. Due to its lightweight design, these promotional items are positioned over and over again and always new places to promote the product or offer. They advertise for a time not needed, they can be be stowed easily and in a small space and stored, until she are needed again. The Assembly and disassembly is easy to do.