Objectives and Justification

Objectives and Justification The main objective of this new specialty is to have medical specialists solving capacity for the provision of health services of first contact, second and its connection with the services of highly specialized medicine. There are three fundamental pillars that support the development of this new medical specialty: 1 .- The demographic transition 2 .- Its impact on morbidity and mortality 3 .- And the lack of linkage between care in major hospitals and specialized first contact care in the community. Today, adults and older adults are little more than half of the general population, according to projections from population censuses in the coming years will see an investment in the population pyramid.It is noteworthy that the fastest-growing age group is over 65 years by 3.75 annually, coupled with this, there was also an increase in life expectancy is now 78.2 years for women and 73.7 years for man and it is expected that by 2050 is of 85.5 years (a phenomenon called “Aging Population”). The impact is and will be decisive and conclusive in the demand for care. Older adults currently account and new users of health services, with an increasing burden of chronic and degenerative diseases, disabling many of them, which carry a huge consumption of resources for their care, the challenges are great because you must ensure that individuals who reach old they are and remain functional, or at least with an acceptable quality of life.In Mexico, in 1900 the total deaths in population aged 65 years was just 8.3 for 1980 reached 31.3 , and for the year 2000, according to figures from INEGI, the figure reached 49.6 . The main reported causes of mortality are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (accounting for 42.7 of deaths), but there are also other no less significant as malignant tumors, liver cirrhosis and acute infectious diseases (pneumonia, etc.).Moreover, in the current social context and influence of migratory movements, is generating increased incidence of emerging diseases and reemerging infectious diseases (AIDS, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis), those related to lifestyles (accidents, violence, etc.. ), plus an increased incidence of emotional disorders (depression, suicide and addictions), which also impacts directly and determining the epidemiological profile of Mexico. It has also been observed in the current health plan a phenomenon of decoupling between the various levels of care and highly specialized hospitals, saturated and on demand. There is no continuity between the specialized and sub specialized care first and second contact in the community.Community centers either HealthCenters or Community Hospitals are relegated only to the first level of care (prevention and health promotion) and in the second case to inadequate care, and without solving not followed through, not a continuation or extension specialist care for those patients who are in advanced stages of the natural history of disease. The training of qualified human resources, must then ensure through a strategic framework for strengthening the National System of Health Care occupying a central place First Contact or priority (Integrated Model of Health Care MIDAS) in a Horizontal of continuity with hospital care and coordination with the services to meet social demands and health of a population more aware and informed, calling for effective and efficient care quality.The doctors of first contact must increase its resolving power, organization of care by other specialists and make advice and care of patients throughout the health system. It also must address the people not only in its individual dimension, but also in its community context, with a focus on biopsychosocial environment. For these reasons, this specialty is highly geared to the attention of the adult and older adult with a very precise approach: specialization in health problems related to the epidemiological profile Prevalent Morbidity and Mortality in a region or federal entity, pursuant to the Transition Demographic and operative paragraph and character of bonding in the first contact.We must not lose sight of the importance and must be prevention and health promotion at all levels of care, and this is where a doctor specializing in Adult Integrative Medicine will combine the best scenario to the activities of First Contact and tools or skills needed and competent to provide a continuum of care (extension) of the medicine applied in specialized centers, providing a perfect link to the community.