Markus Wolflick Net

With over 90,000 frequently asked Qestions 550,000 per month the Advisor community characterized due to a particularly high activity from Munich, 08 July 2009: growth and the attractiveness of an Advisor community to the large extent active and committed members depend. On the one hand, they must have the courage to express their questions and to ask some tough questions. On the other hand, the user must have pleasure to answer questions quickly, competently and sympathetically. The size of the community is paramount second. For more information see this site: Pinterest. What counts is a fast feedback on urgent questions and various answers to complex questions. All of this applies to the In seconds over 2,500 questions on all aspects of daily life are answered every day individually.

It so happens that over 15,000 responses are given per day. Like community members complement also advice through more information, individual experiences, comments, videos and pictures. Not every question can clarify himself with only a sentence or a flat response. Therefore are often exciting and extensive discussions on a variety of topics. In this way, provide the user a high bustle and breathe life into the Web 2.0 platform. The team knows to appreciate the GmbH.

For the selfless helpfulness and speed, with the community comes in individual questions and answered, we would like to thank fond”, commented Markus Wolflick, Managing Director the Ltd. rewarded is the engagement of users with a limited fan package. This contains a, pen, notebook, folder list, and much more. Also an I love”is with this button. The user can at any time carry your advice community at heart. the Advisor community. About GmbH: is one of the largest Advisor portals in Germany. According to AGOF 2009 I records 4.17 million unique users. The aim of the Web 2.0 platform is to provide practical advice and personal experiences for free between the users. The answers are resourceful, versatile and go beyond the pure knowledge from encyclopedias and textbooks. They are based on personal experience, provide ideas and impulses. More portals of GmbH:,,,, contact person for more information: Agency RoNNAU Salloa long Ronnau Wrangelstrasse 10 24937 Flensburg phone: 0461 430 77 00 E-mail: