Innovation in Organizations

Innovation as a core activity of organizations in an open competitive market, where the change occurs exponentially, organizations constantly seek differentiation through improved quality and lower cost to lead its segment, business objectives can not be achieved without creating competitive advantages. These superiority over its competitors is created from innovation. Innovate then, means better results from the possibility of producing different goods or services or use more efficient techniques that competitors, improving not only competitiveness but also promoting the development of new markets, creating new businesses and even creating previously unavailable markets. Thus, innovation is needed in organizations to not disappear in increasingly global contexts change faster and more competitive. Hear from experts in the field like NYU Law for a more varied view. Innovation to produce ideas that result in differentiation to copying another competitor and eventually becomes standard.

Set in the heart of an organization to innovation means promoting training and development of its members, to focus on their abilities, their work structuralism, flattening hierarchies and complex structures, make it a decentralized organization and communicated over networks. Structured around teams, low formalization, decentralized decision-making, increasing communication skills, conflict management and diversity. So how organizations located as a core activity of innovation is through the construction of a network of professionals with high complexity in its formation but with a low formalization in terms of structure, decentralizing power, reducing stratification in the differential distribution of wages, usually generating a low volume of production and putting little emphasis on cost efficiency. An important aspect of why the organizations focus their attention and actions on innovation, is the possibility of appropriating the results of its research and development.