Independent University

Concise question, complex answer. There is no an answer. One is rather a suit as we must value, for each case and concrete circumstances that is the truth, that ambiguous. Nevertheless there are factors objectives that can help us to make a decision: What commercial risk is going away to run? This is possibly the element of more weight when it is considered to form a society, limit the responsibility, that is to say, in case the things go badly only I risk what I put like partner, this without entering to value the responsibilities which the administrator can incur. How many partners participate? If there is more than one the club form is recommendable. Which is the fiscality of the partners and the society? The society pays up to 120,000 Euros to 30%, and the partner to arrive until 30% of average type in the PERSONAL INCOME TAX, must have benefits of about 60,000 Euros to the year (for an unmarried person and without children), therefore fiscally as far as the Tax Societies, is better to be independent if desire less than 60,000 Euros to the year.

Of what capital I arrange? If you do not have 3,006, 00 Euros you do not worry you can form your society with contribution of goods, despite you will have to confront the expenses of constitution, minimum, minimum 450 Euros, and that yes that you must have them in contante money and sonante and to be arranged to give a few strolls. The books, manuals, etc. are numerous On creation of companies and sincerely, some try to describe the characteristics of the entrepreneur: Capacity of innovation, dowries of organization, capacity of endurance, prudence, flexibility, capacity of leadership, professional experience in aim a magnificent person. But sincerely, whichever shopkeepers of our district reunite these characteristics? , how many lawyers? , how many plumbers? Some plus others less will have these qualities, but all are industralists, and all have common that took the step. Merino Oscar, practicing attorney, lawyer in Economic Sciences by the Independent University of Madrid. Beginning its formation international in the United States, continuing later in France.