Ho Chi Minh

VPTckalov in Moscow). In 1952, was the first aircraft squadron staff received the Air Force and Navy. In February 1959, Yeiskoe Vaul was applied to the An-2 flying and parachute pogdotovki students, and two years later they have got already all the flight school. An-2 different modifications have been widely used in agriculture and forestry, for pervozki passengers and cargo on local routes (1977 to 3254 they served settlements), paratroopers training at the flying club, and airborne units, Surveying and prospecting, exploration, ice, fish and marine animals, the destruction of the ice through its pollination black powder, monitoring oil and gas pipelines and transmission lines, processing reagents oil spills, for solving many other tasks. He served a large construction site: The main Turkmen Canal, Kuibyshev, Stalingrad and Viluiskaya HPS, BAM and others was used as the administrative and aircraft: during the virgin lands on it flew, Leonid Brezhnev specifically for the Ho Chi Minh in 1956 was made "cabin" option. At An-2 flying head of Grenada Maurice Bishop and King Mahendra of Nepal. AN-2 is set several union and international records, made a number of dyalnih flights (including the circumnavigation in 1997). An-2 proved to be a simple and very reliable aircraft.

Biplane design with advanced high lift system has achieved a very low speed takeoff and landing, which allowed use aircraft with those areas where previously could only be used light aircraft U-2 (Po-2) and Yak-12. It can be found on all continents, including Antarctica. In winter 1954 the squadron was awarded the pilots of the Saratov aircraft the name "Anna" which stayed with him for life.