Financial Content

Therefore knowledge of financial content-purpose and methods (calculating methods) depreciation is necessary for the workers as accounting, management companies, and that way for the workers of money, financial departments of companies. For this in order to navigate to the above voprostsami and spelled this course office. 1. The main types of views and amortization and depreciation. Depreciation of the major funds (funds) – lowering the initial Stoi bridge the main means of re a result of wear and tear in the manufacturing process (physical depreciation) or because of moral rhenium 100 vehicles, and even lowering the price of production properties in the set raising labor productivity. In accounting depreciation principal means of monthly shows at once but with depreciation. The amount of wear the same amount of depreciation bases GOVERNMENTAL plus depreciation of residential spostroek to share many of the resumption of . Recognize physical and moral deterioration of main funds.

The physical wear-sky gives a loss of the principal means of technical and performance characteristics as a result of the application. Moral deterioration – the main means of lowering prices as a result of: 1) reduction STI manufacturing cost price of the product itself because 2) the emergence of the most absolute and arbitrary-productivity vehicles. The moral deterioration of main funds is not based on their physiological deterioration. Physiologically suitable machine has the ability to be so morally crumbling, as if its operation is economically bezvygodnoy. And the moral and physical wear and tear leads to a loss of money. Because any the company must provide the funds accumulate Lebanon (sources) that are needed for the purchase and renewal of worn out at all major facilities. Reward (from the media.

– Age. Lat. Amortisatio – redemption solution) -1) a gradual erasure of funds (Equip ment, spostroek, buildings) and moving them Stoi Muste shares according to the generated output, and 2) decrease the value of wealth, is taxed at the ravine (in the required amount of the capitalized tax). Reward due to the role of the main features of the tools in the process of manufacture. The main tool will participate in the process of making prolonged ny period (not least the 1st year). When this is saved, they own natural form, but wear out evenly.