As unfortunate examples Sofico, Forum Filatelico and Afinsa, worth holding. This expert in financial economics also believed that the proposal of linking wages to productivity simply looking for general contention of salaries and will lead to more problems than benefits, since the President of the employer recognizes the difficult which is measuring correctly. Another measure that criticizes is the make the labour market more flexible. Rigid? If anyone already get fired with 20 days of compensation as soon as the company has losses!, regrets. Positive for growth the start-up of the Euro Pact also called for competitiveness can bring about positive changes for the Spanish economy in the view of Antoni Espasa, director of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid BIAM. In particular, since its Organization have years recommending the reduction of social security contributions for undertakings and that this loss of income is compensated by the increase in VAT. This measure has, as he says, a great advantage to make our country’s economy more competitive: foreign companies would also have to pay VAT, while Social Security is paid for only the Spanish firms indicates. That Yes, a hypothetical rise of tribute that taxes consumption should be adopted at a time of relative stability and as an instrument of last resort, since the tax burden in Spain is already very high.

Would what ctos have? It reduces the deficit, increases our international confidence and encourages growth; bad, that detract consumption, says Professor Espasa, for whom also other reforms such as the increase of the retirement age was clearly inevitable. Such as holding, there are two reasons that forced to expand the 65 years. On the one hand, and from the purely economic point of view, the lengthening of life expectancy after retirement, which is now 15 years old, did the impossible to maintain system. But is that there is also a social reason for postponing the age of retirement, for this expert: we cannot have a percentage as broad population with fullness of forces without doing anything, you don’t lose them, he says.