Administrative City

For the secretary of State of Planning and Management, Renata Vilhena, the City Administrative a reference for the project not only becomes architectural and techniques of engineering how much a landmark for the development of the vector North. ' ' That region was many years abandoned, without receiving investments. Now, it will have a natural process of expansion for the area. To congregate all the secretariats in one alone complex, beyond the economy of resources, represents profit in the performance and efficiency, with all working of integrated form. Before, only 50% of the servers had access to the Internet, now, 98% will have access to the world-wide net, and each server will have its proper station of trabalho' ' , Vilhena explained. The standard adopted in the distribution of the sectors follows the model of the great enterprise corporations, with unified environments, separate only for stocking-height thick partition walls. The rooms of the secretaries do not only follow this concept. Already the services of direct attendance to the citizen will not be transferred to the new headquarters.

Sight of the Administrative City: bigger area constructed of Latin America (photo: Leo Drumond), as fig. 1 in the section indicative. Of gigantic dimensions, the area of the land corresponds the two times and stocking to the one of the assembly plant Fiat, in Betim. The ecological reserve that surrounds the complex will be transformed into the State Park Green Mountain range, what it becomes it as bigger in area of the region the metropolitan, after the Mangabeiras. The park will be opened to the public visitation until the end of this year. The seat of government will function in the Tiradentes Palace, a building that beats world-wide records, first for being the biggest suspended building in concrete of the world, and for presenting they go exempts of 146 meters of length for 20 of width.